Saturday 8 June 2024

IN PRINT - 143


Previous Strip

It occurs to me that these last few strips might make it seem like I don't like The Fugitive Doctor. I actually really enjoyed her, I just wish more had been done with her.

A mysterious previously unknown incarnation? She's not a million miles removed from The Other and we should all know how I feel about that incarnation by now.

I've just finished watching Rogue. So prepare for Spoiler space:












I bloody loved that! The Shalka Doctor becomkng canon? Oh yes!

The 15th Doctor has never looked so Doctorish

I'm still trying to decide if the TARDIS console on Rogue's ship was trolling or teasing. Either way I loved it.

Can't believe we're on the finale next week. It's flown in.

In Print - 139

In Print - 138

In Print - 137

In Print - 136

In Print Christmas Special 2023                                        

In Print Anniversary Strip - Hearts 2 Hearts - Part 3

In Print Anniversary Strip - Hearts 2 Hearts - Part 2

In Print Anniversary Strip - Hearts 2 Hearts - Part 1

In Print on YouTube

In Print on Instagram

In Print - Infinities 10

In Print -Infinities 9

In Print - Infinities 8

Re-Introduction to the 'In Print-Verse'