I've always liked the idea that Post 2005 Time Wars were echoes of the one from the EDAs. Much like I've always like to think that Genesis and Remembrance of the Daleks were opening shots.
Speaking of Genesis, I really enjoyed Children in Need's clip last night. A lot of folk are going to have issues with Genesis being tinkered with, but I think the changes have been done with the best of intentions and I'm viewing at a consequence of the Time War. I'd say more, but, you know, spoilers.
I need to write more strips for Ness. I want to touch on the Time War stuff and Ness has requested some of the more obscure 8th Doctor Companions, I'm sure I can make that work.
In the meantime Jim is back to help plug the gap with a 60th Special next week that I accidentally wrote after Jim planted an idea in my head.
They're both good at that.
Foot note: We've all signed up for BuyMeACoffee. Jim will be using his to supplement his reduced income. Ness is going to be saving for a laptop or desktop with his. And mine also exists.