Saturday, 25 July 2015

Who's Cat 1 - Mike Key

And here's another strip from Mike ( of  Mike's Star Art). I'm saying that because I've just realised that he's not put his signature anywhere on this strip. What Mike did want to put on the strip was the title 'Garfield Who' and I'm afraid I was against the idea. Firstly because I feel that Mike's knack for adapting styles is such that you guys wouldn't need told this was Garfield based (unless you've never encountered Garfield, but what are the odds?) and secondly that Jim and myself are still looking at getting a print copy of the strips out there at some point and sticking Garfield on the strip could have led to Mike's series of strips not making the collection, which I think we can all agree would be criminal. And of course if someone from Who would hate spiders it'd be the third...

That's right, I said series. We've been looking for a way to involve Mike a bit more and as it turns out he was looking to be involved a bit more as well, so we'd been discussing possible ideas when we thought about Garfield. Garfield started the same year I was born and I've been reading him since Primary School, it's no exaggeration to say I've grown up with Garfield and my love of comics more than likely has it's roots in that fact. So for the next few weeks we'll be bringing you Who's Cat, at least until we can think of a better title for it. Neither of us like Who's Cat, but we had a deadline. Jim's still unpacking and any day now hopes to find the box he packed his family in.

In other news I had a bit of Flash Fiction (about 250 words) published over at Kasterborous. You should go and read 'Welcome to Mars' and let me know what you think.

Oh and the nice folk at the Glasgow Doctor Who Society made me an Editor on their Facebook page and invited me to post the strip there. So hello if you followed the link from there.


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