Saturday 25 May 2024

IN PRINT - 141



Important stuff first. Ness is on the verge of losing his iPad. If you want to see Ness drawing for us anytime soon (and I know I do) then feel free to click on his name and donate something to his iPad fund.

I recall reading in an interview that Chibnall didn't know himself where the Fugitive Doctor came from.

I remain annoyed as hell about that confession. 

Or, to put it a bit more accurately, I'm mad as hell. A writer should know his creations. It feels half hearted and uninvolved.

Much like his tenure as a whole.


New Series. I'm really enjoying it so far. I especially enjoyed hearing The Skye Boat song, a Scottish song about a man fleeing a war and headlong into exile feels pretty relevant to the show.

"Speed bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing"

Foot note: We've all signed up for BuyMeACoffee. Jim will be using his to supplement his reduced income. Ness is going to be saving for a laptop or desktop with his. And mine also exists. 

In Print - 139

In Print - 138

In Print - 137

In Print - 136

In Print Christmas Special 2023                                        

In Print Anniversary Strip - Hearts 2 Hearts - Part 3

In Print Anniversary Strip - Hearts 2 Hearts - Part 2

In Print Anniversary Strip - Hearts 2 Hearts - Part 1

In Print on YouTube

In Print on Instagram

In Print - Infinities 10

In Print -Infinities 9

In Print - Infinities 8

Re-Introduction to the 'In Print-Verse'