Saturday, 18 April 2015


A new arc. I didn't mean to call this 'Human Nature', that was always a draft name that I never got round to replacing with anything better. So, 'Human Nature' it is. Just don't expect it to be a Cornell type masterpeace.

In fact now that I think about it, why haven't we seen Paul Cornell write anything for New Who since 'Human Nature'? A mystery for another day.

Those of you that have enjoyed Jim's covers in the past will be happy to see that we're starting each arc off with them now. The strip proper starts next week and thanks to our newly reinstated buffer I can tell you that Jim already has it in the bag, in fact it came in whilst my Best Man was over visiting from the States and it got a chuckle from him so hopefully you guys will enjoy it.

Anyway, I'll have a lot more to say about the Cornell versions next week when the arc starts off properly.

See you all then.