Saturday 11 April 2015


This strip is because of Facebook.

You see, Nesshead quite often posts sketches in various states of penciling and and inking up on our Facebook page. I do love seeing the art for strips at various stages (Jim quite often sends me these via Whatsapp) and it got me thinking about sharing it with more of our readers. I was also needing a way to introduce the Lenny Henry Doctor to the Infinites.

Two birds. One stone.

Nesshead tweaked the dialogue after watching the old video of Lenny on Youtube. I was quite jealous as it's obviously the right dialogue to use.

We're pausing Nesshead's arc here to let him do some work for an upcoming exhibition, more information on that as we recieve it. So, it's back to Jim next week.

See you all then.

Oh and we're aware of the faulty navigation round the Infinites and I'll be getting it fixed just as soon as I've finished binge watching Daredevil...