Friday, 25 March 2016

Who's Cat 26 - Mike Key

From the start          Previous Who's Cat          Next Who's Cat

Hi, Mike here,

This week's strip based on an Alasdair script, continues the 10 / Jenny relationship (see previous strips Who's Cat 5, Who's Cat 10,  Who's Cat 22) and sets up a follow on joke next week. I really enjoyed bringing Captain Jack to life, I think he's really "lookin' goood".

Hope you enjoy it too.

Happy times and places,

Al here. It's also a follow on from a Spin Off strip Jim and I did for the Terrible Zodin a few years back where Jack basically played the Joey part. COMPANIONS was also one of those strips that Jim adlibbed, as all I had sent him was a single panel with Jack saying 'How you doin'?' to Harry.

Couple of other things to note today. The first of them being that The Doctor Who Companion launches today. As soon as I've finished this blog I'm off to polish my first two articles for it. In the months to come it's hopefully going to be become what Kasterborous was at it's peak.

The other thing I need to mention that is that my friend Kenny is trying to bring his one man stage show about Superheroes and Mental Health to the Edinburgh Fringe. These are two subjects very dear to my heart and I'd encourage you all to help Kenny any way you can. Hell I'd be suggesting that even if he wasn't dating my cousin. You can find details on Hero Worship here.

So, next week sees the last of this run of Who's Cat and then there's a one off Infinites before returning to the In Print strip. Yes! We have a plan! And a schedule!

Brace yourselves....